High Smashers

General Guide

Lobby Screen

(1) Profile Your profile image, nickname, Smasher Level, etc., will be displayed here, and clicking or tapping on it will take you to the profile page.
(2) Boosters Check out your currently applied booster’s type and duration.
(3) Event Check out on-going events here. This will not be displayed when there are no on-going events. (4) Legend Road Check out the Legend Roads for Legends at the Lobby here. You can spend Gems to purchase additional Roads to acquire even more Abilities.
(5) Smash Pass Move to the Smash Pass page. Clearing quests and raising the Pass’ level will grant you new Legends as well as all kinds of rewards.
(6) Shop Move to the Shop page. You can recharge your Gems or purchase Legends and related packages using Credits you have earned in-game here.
(7) Friends Move to the Friends page. You can copy and share your Player Code with other players, and add friends via their Player Codes.
(8) Hot Clips Check out Hot Clips from Smash Legends here.
(9) Select Arena Move to the Arena selection screen and choose the mode that you want to play.
(10) Legend Move to the Legend List to check out more information about each Legends.
(11) Start Start the game mode you chose with the [Select Arena] button from (9).
(12) Gems/Credits Check out the amount of Gems and Credits you currently own.
(13) Chat This is a team chat feature that can only be used when you join a team.
(14) Selected Legend Check out detailed information about your currently selected Legend, and you can change the Legend’s skin, effects, and Emojis.
(15) Invite to Team Make a team with your friends, or enter a Team Code created by your friends to join their team.


Pressing the [≡] button in the upper right corner of the Lobby will display the menu.
(1) Settings Set your game’s graphics and control settings, or access your account information and Smash Legends’ social media here.
(2) Ranking Check out other players’ Rankings here.
(3) Mailbox Check out mail you receive here. Mail that has passed its storage period will be deleted automatically.
(4) News Check out Smash Legends Notices here.
(5) Discord Check out Smash Legends’ official Discord server.
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